May 30, 2011

GCB Shares: There's No Such Thing as a Bikini Body

Photo: Alba Yruela (via)
An article that has been making the blog rounds lately and that I wouldn't want to keep from you in light of all those swimwear adverts on display is There Is No Such Thing As A Bikini Body
Alba Yruela, who was born in Spain in 1989, doesn't only take her own pictures (see above), but also runs her own tumblr: it wasn't enough
Spoiled Yogi shares the 5 things Yoga poses have taught her about life. My favorite: You are capable of more than you ever thought possible.
Die Klappentexterin stellt das neue Bloggerkollektiv Jüdische Lebenswelten in Form eines spannenden Interviews vor.
Die "Stinkesocke" Jule beantwortet ganze 80 LeserInnen-Fragen rund um ihr Leben mit Querschnittslähmung. 
Anne Feldkamp stellt die Bauhaus-Teppichkünstlerin Anni Albers vor: anni, königin des diy. Bei Interesse: Weitere Bauhaus-Frauen hat Ulrike Müller in ihrem Band Bauhaus-Frauen - Meisterinnen in Kunst, Handwerk und Design versammelt.
Laura vom Missy Blog zählt die gesundheitlichen Vorteile des Bierkonsums auf: Hopfen und Malz, ab in den Hals! Aber in welchen genau?

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